You can use both, <audio> and <video> tag. The difference is especially important on iOS mobile device. <video> tag allows to display subtitles including iOS native fullscreen. <audio> tag is playing pseudo fulscreen on iOS mobile, does not allow to show subtitles.
You can make use of audioInfo option to define and display audio track information like track cover image, track title, artist, album name, genre and release date. It's separate of audio background poster image.
To learn about using audioInfo option check tuotial on
Gold plan of Nuevo plugin includes visualizer plugin that you may consider to use and show.
Product not registered
Visualizer plugin automatically detects audio media type. You need to load visualizer tiny javascript plugin and initialize it in player setup code.
<script src="../video.min.js"></script>
<script src="../nuevo.min.js"></script>
<script src="../plugins/visualizer.js"></script>
var player = videojs('player_2)';
player.nuevo({ option_name: 'option_value', option_name: 'option_value' });